Teacher Mentoring


Dr. Doğuş Aydın, having completed 'Learning Advising' course in Kanda University, Japan and 'Student Coaching' from Kadir Has University, has more than 2000+ hours of private lessons and teaching, 250+ hours of advising, coaching and mentoring experience, and works in the field of "Language Advising", conducts mentoring sessions for teachers. Dr. Aydın aims to help teachers reflect on their teaching practices and help them improve through teacher mentoring sessions.

"How can I improve my teaching skills?"

"How can I make my own promotion as an English teacher?"

"How can I deal with problems in my classroom?"

"How can I teach better?"

"How can I promote my well-being as a teacher?"

“How to fix problems with a specific student of mine?”

If you need help about the issues above, it might be the time for being mentored!

Teacher mentoring sessions adopted by Dr. Aydın are based on relational mentoring approaches. It means “We will grow together!” 

Contact us to learn more about mentoring sessions!

Doğuş Aydın
Sunday, May 23, 2021